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Keen On Retirement

Insights Blog & Podcast

Focused insight on timely, relevant topics. Start planning your retirement. 

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Anthony Fasano on the Skills That Helped Him Engineer a New Career Path Thumbnail

Anthony Fasano on the Skills That Helped Him Engineer a New Career Path

More often than not, the skills and processes that make folks successful in one business work in other businesses as well. I think that’s a big reason why Keen Wealth Advisors has been able to establish such a strong relationship with the engineering community in Kansas City and around the country. Engineers respond to our checklist-driven planning process because they use the same kind of diligence in their own work. And we love working with folks who are hardworking, curious, and dedicated to following through on a plan.

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How to Cope When Life Turns To Grief Thumbnail

How to Cope When Life Turns To Grief

Under perfect circumstances, retirement can still be a very difficult transition. Even if you’re lucky enough to be retiring when you want and how you want, leaving behind your career and adjusting to a new routine is not easy. Many retirees experience a profound loss of identity and purpose as well as feelings of isolation.

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Don't Click on These 4 Covid-19 Scams Thumbnail

Don't Click on These 4 Covid-19 Scams

Any time there’s a lot of data moving from A to B, folks have to be extra vigilant about protecting themselves from hacks and scams. Back in 2018, when approximately 59 million Americans started receiving new Medicare and Medicaid cards, fraudsters pounced, claiming they were calling on behalf of the government to “confirm” those new ID numbers.

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How to Avoid Becoming Depressed, Even Mildly, in Retirement Thumbnail

How to Avoid Becoming Depressed, Even Mildly, in Retirement

For most of our clients at Keen Wealth, the end result of hard work and diligent financial planning is a happy retirement. A big reason for that is how our process helps clients to plan for not just financial security, but for their daily lives in retirement: the things they want to do, the hobbies and interests they want to pursue, the people they want to share this new stage of their lives with.

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