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Keen On Retirement

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4 Common and Costly Tax Prep Mistakes That Your Advisor Can Help You Avoid Thumbnail

4 Common and Costly Tax Prep Mistakes That Your Advisor Can Help You Avoid

The words “fun” and “taxes” probably don’t go together in your mind. But, as I mention on today’s episode, they do at Keen Wealth! Helping folks be good stewards of their money so that they can enjoy life to the fullest is one of the most rewarding parts of being a financial advisor. And as Tax Day approaches, I love seeing my team in action, working through our checklist-driven process to make sure folks aren’t overlooking any details or making any mistakes that might not be fixable. Whether you’re working with professionals or preparing your taxes solo, make sure these four common filing errors are on your radar.

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Should Seniors Give It All Away like Buffett or “Die with Zero”? Thumbnail

Should Seniors Give It All Away like Buffett or “Die with Zero”?

Reviewing your estate plan is an important part of the year-end review sessions that we hold at Keen Wealth. At least annually, folks should make sure that their plan is still in sync with how they want to be cared for, how they want their assets distributed, and who they trust to settle their estate and preserve their legacy. But an estate plan check-up is also a good opportunity to review your feelings around what your money means to you, both while you're still around to enjoy it and after the next generation takes over. On today's show, we discuss lessons from two different approaches to estate planning that all seniors should think about as they prepare their financial plans for a new year.

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A Keen Wealth Case Study: Planning for Early Retirement Before Age 60 Thumbnail

A Keen Wealth Case Study: Planning for Early Retirement Before Age 60

"Sam" is 58 and he retired at the end of the first quarter of 2024. His wife, "Alice," is 65 and still working as a paid caretaker for the couple's son with special needs. Sam has $400,000 in a Roth IRA, $2 million in a traditional IRA and they have $400,000 in a joint taxable account. In 2024, Sam earned $75,000 and Alice earned $20,000. And, like so many couples in their age range, Sam and Alice want to know if their nest egg is ready to support them as they prepare for retirement. On today's show, we use Keen Wealth's comprehensive planning process to help "Sam and Alice" analyze their financial situation and identify some key decisions they'll need to make to keep their money and their lives in sync.

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Answering Your Questions About the Next Recession, AI Investing, and the Federal Deficit Thumbnail

Answering Your Questions About the Next Recession, AI Investing, and the Federal Deficit

With the presidential election less than a week away, I know many folks are feeling like the present is on pause while we’re waiting on some important answers about the future. Matt Wilson, Keen Wealth’s Chief Investment Officer and President, analyzed the latest data surrounding the election, the health of the economy, and the early outlook for 2025 in his recent 2024 Q4 Market Update Webinar. Today we’re going to discuss some follow-up questions from webinar attendees that should provide a little more clarity about the relationship between your short-term and long-term financial planning.

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7 Financial Goals to Hit by Age 62 So You Can Retire Comfortably Thumbnail

7 Financial Goals to Hit by Age 62 So You Can Retire Comfortably

Generally, when folks hit their early 60s and feel like they're 3-5 years away from retirement, that's when they start assessing if they're truly ready. Typically, the kids are out of the house; grandchildren might even be in the picture. They've usually achieved some major milestones in their careers. They've enjoyed a few bucket-list experiences and want to start spending more of their time doing the things they love with the people they love. So, what does a clear path to retirement look like to a 62-year-old? As always, Keen Wealth has a checklist!

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Will Almost Half of Retirees Run Out of Money? Thumbnail

Will Almost Half of Retirees Run Out of Money?

If I were to make a list of the most common money worries that I've helped seniors deal with in my 30-plus years as a financial advisor, running out of money in retirement would probably be number one. Even folks who have been following a comprehensive financial plan and building wealth for decades can struggle with the idea of cashing their final paychecks and living off their nest eggs. So, I understand why a headline like "New study finds many seniors who retire at 65 will run out of money" can make some folks question their retirement plans. On today's show, we unpack the details of that study and discuss a practical approach to preparing for and enjoying your golden years.

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