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Keen On Retirement

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Could Tariff Turbulence Create Opportunities for Your Financial Plan? Thumbnail

Could Tariff Turbulence Create Opportunities for Your Financial Plan?

Tariffs are nothing new. They've been implemented at several points in U.S. history, including as recently as 2018. But there are a confluence of factors surrounding President Trump's current round of tariffs that make it worth discussing. On today's show, we round up questions we've been receiving at Keen Wealth about tariffs to provide a comprehensive rundown of why Wall Street is interested and what you should discuss with your financial advisor.

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Retiring in a Recession: Why Market Downturns Can Be Your Friend Thumbnail

Retiring in a Recession: Why Market Downturns Can Be Your Friend

If you receive most of your financial advice from cable news and social media, you might feel like we're perpetually on the brink of a recession. The prospect of a major downturn can feel especially unsettling for those whose short-term financial goals include retirement. Even aspiring retirees who do understand the inevitable ups and downs of investing might worry that now isn't "the right time" to retire. One of the benefits of the Keen Wealth Advantage is that we don't just react to external economic events, we proactively plan for a wide variety of contingencies -- including recessions. And while retiring during a downturn might sound like bad timing, with proper planning it's possible to retire on your terms, and on your timeline, no matter what's happening on Wall Street. In some cases, following your retirement plan right through market volatility can even be advantageous.

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Answering Last-Minute Tax Questions and Preparing for 2025 Thumbnail

Answering Last-Minute Tax Questions and Preparing for 2025

With about a month until Tax Day on Tuesday, April 15th, you should, ideally, have all your financial documents collected. It might be a good idea to check in one last time with your financial advisor before you send your 2024 data to your CPA or start plugging away on your favorite tax software. But as you put a bow on last year, it's important to keep an eye on the future, especially for retirees. Cracking open your nest egg and sequencing how and when you use your assets and benefits is a complex process. Decisions you make today can affect your lifetime tax liability, the lifestyle you can enjoy during your Golden Years, and your legacy planning. On today's show, we use this combination of short-term and long-term perspective to tackle some listener tax questions and explain how the Keen Wealth Advantage can help you feel more confident about how taxes fit into your comprehensive planning.

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4 Common and Costly Tax Prep Mistakes That Your Advisor Can Help You Avoid Thumbnail

4 Common and Costly Tax Prep Mistakes That Your Advisor Can Help You Avoid

The words “fun” and “taxes” probably don’t go together in your mind. But, as I mention on today’s episode, they do at Keen Wealth! Helping folks be good stewards of their money so that they can enjoy life to the fullest is one of the most rewarding parts of being a financial advisor. And as Tax Day approaches, I love seeing my team in action, working through our checklist-driven process to make sure folks aren’t overlooking any details or making any mistakes that might not be fixable. Whether you’re working with professionals or preparing your taxes solo, make sure these four common filing errors are on your radar.

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Here’s How Social Security, Retirement Planning, and Taxes are Changing in 2025 Thumbnail

Here’s How Social Security, Retirement Planning, and Taxes are Changing in 2025

Happy 2025! At Keen Wealth, we're often of two minds at the beginning of the New Year. On the one hand, Tax Day is just around the corner, so we're helping folks put a bow on last year's financials and making sure they not missing out on any potentially advantageous moves. But this New Year also means a new president, a new congress, new laws, new facts and figures, and lots of new legislative proposals. On today's show, we discuss some important changes coming to Social Security and retirement accounts in 2025, as well as the items that could be at the top of President-elect Trump's economic agenda.

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Giving Without Regret: How to Balance Generosity and Financial Responsibility Thumbnail

Giving Without Regret: How to Balance Generosity and Financial Responsibility

The joy that we all feel checking off our holiday shopping lists, wrapping gifts, and exchanging presents with loved ones is often accompanied by another feeling: anxiety. Not just from the stress of getting everything done before the parties start, but from worries around money that can pile up this time of year. Some folks just can't look at a pile of presents without seeing price tags -- especially if money is a little tight this year or they're still adjusting to living off a fixed income in retirement. Worse, that anxiety might make you feel like you're doing the holidays "wrong," letting things that don't really matter keep you from enjoying the things that do. But, as we discussed on a recent podcast, finding the right balance between generosity, personal fulfillment, and long-term financial security is an ongoing part of just about every financial plan. Holiday gift-giving just makes us experience that tug-of-war in a more heightened, time-bound way. And if you can use these three strategies to control your holiday giving this year, you can establish a strong foundation for sustained giving going forward.

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