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Keen On Retirement

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Focused insight on timely, relevant topics. Start planning your retirement. 

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The Hidden Money Traps That Could Derail Your Retirement Thumbnail

The Hidden Money Traps That Could Derail Your Retirement

If you're spending a lot of your day scrolling on social media or glued to cable news, you might feel like your emotions are running a little high right now. Major life transitions can also cause our feelings to spike, whether we're getting ready to send a kid to college or thinking about retiring. But while letting your feelings in is just part of being human, letting too much emotion seep into your financial decision-making can be catastrophic for your long-term security. On today's show, we discuss financial biases that we all should be on the lookout for as we try to manage both our emotions and our money.

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Natural Disasters, Bitcoin, and Market Uncertainty: What Every Investor Needs to Know to Stay Sane and Solvent Thumbnail

Natural Disasters, Bitcoin, and Market Uncertainty: What Every Investor Needs to Know to Stay Sane and Solvent

A New Year brings excitement, hope, and a little extra motivation to achieve some major goals. But 2025 has also brought some uncertainty as well. Political, economic, environmental, and technological events have all made big headlines, sometimes all on the same day. If you're feeling a little unsure about your financial planning right now, you're not alone. So, on today's show, we answer three timely listener questions that hopefully will give folks some perspective on where the economy is right now, where we could be headed, and how to set the best course for the rest of the year.

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Retirement on the Horizon? Here's What You Need to Know About the Economy in 2024 Thumbnail

Retirement on the Horizon? Here's What You Need to Know About the Economy in 2024

Interest rates, inflation forecasts, and long-term market trends were just a few of the topics Matt Wilson, CFP® covered in our recent 2024 Q2 Market Update Webinar, "Gain Insights on the Economy & Markets." The follow-up questions we tackle on today’s show are largely geared toward folks who are approaching the retirement transition with some understandable anxiety. I hope that as we provide a little more detail on these important topics and the overall state of the economy, folks will feel more confident in their financial plans and more excited about retirement.

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Following Up on Our Latest Webinar on Maximizing Social Security Benefits Thumbnail

Following Up on Our Latest Webinar on Maximizing Social Security Benefits

It's worth celebrating just about any time our leaders on both sides of the political aisle can meet in the middle. But seniors in Kansas City, MO should all be smiling now that, starting in 2024, they’ll get to enjoy a little bit more of their Social Security benefits. Thanks to a broadly bipartisan vote, Missouri is set to become the 39th state to make Social Security payments exempt from state taxes. Of course, that also means many folks in our audience will have to factor in a new variable when they're deciding when to take Social Security. Luckily, Matt Wilson, Keen Wealth's Chief Investment Officer and President, recently hosted a comprehensive webinar on Maximizing Social Security Benefits that you can rewatch on our website. Today, we're going to discuss some follow-up questions Matt received from attendees.

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Discussing our Q3 Market Outlook, Bonds, Recessions, and Student Loan Debt Thumbnail

Discussing our Q3 Market Outlook, Bonds, Recessions, and Student Loan Debt

Folks who attended our 2023 Q3 Market Outlook Webinar heard a much more positive message about the economy than the one you might be hearing on social media and cable news. Matt Wilson, Chief Investment Officer and President at Keen Wealth, always follows the latest data towards a no-nonsense picture of where we are and where we could be heading. On today’s show, we discuss why we’re cautiously optimistic about the rest of the year and answer some follow-up questions from webinar attendees.

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The Latest on Interest Rates, Inflation, and Your Retirement Plan Thumbnail

The Latest on Interest Rates, Inflation, and Your Retirement Plan

At its meeting on June 14th, the Federal Reserve did something that it hasn't done in 15 months: it decided not to raise interest rates. This slight pause in the Fed's battle against inflation gives us an opportunity to discuss the state of our economy and the markets at the midway point of 2023. On today's show, we take stock of the latest market data, put current inflation and interest rates in their proper context, and consider the United States' place in the global economy.

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