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Keen On Retirement

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Answering Last-Minute Tax Questions and Preparing for 2025 Thumbnail

Answering Last-Minute Tax Questions and Preparing for 2025

With about a month until Tax Day on Tuesday, April 15th, you should, ideally, have all your financial documents collected. It might be a good idea to check in one last time with your financial advisor before you send your 2024 data to your CPA or start plugging away on your favorite tax software. But as you put a bow on last year, it's important to keep an eye on the future, especially for retirees. Cracking open your nest egg and sequencing how and when you use your assets and benefits is a complex process. Decisions you make today can affect your lifetime tax liability, the lifestyle you can enjoy during your Golden Years, and your legacy planning. On today's show, we use this combination of short-term and long-term perspective to tackle some listener tax questions and explain how the Keen Wealth Advantage can help you feel more confident about how taxes fit into your comprehensive planning.

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Embracing Freedom: 10 Things You Can Leave Behind in Retirement Thumbnail

Embracing Freedom: 10 Things You Can Leave Behind in Retirement

No matter how you feel about your upcoming retirement, there's no denying that letting go is a part of navigating this life transition. Your daily schedule is going to change. You won't have professional responsibilities. You probably won't see your work friends as often. And you'll lose the comfort of a monthly paycheck and your benefits, including your old health insurance. But while you might have mixed feelings about some of the things you're leaving behind, letting go in retirement can also be liberating! Retirees can cross these ten items off their to-do lists and spend more time focusing on the people and activities that they love.

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A Keen Wealth Case Study: Planning for Early Retirement Before Age 60 Thumbnail

A Keen Wealth Case Study: Planning for Early Retirement Before Age 60

"Sam" is 58 and he retired at the end of the first quarter of 2024. His wife, "Alice," is 65 and still working as a paid caretaker for the couple's son with special needs. Sam has $400,000 in a Roth IRA, $2 million in a traditional IRA and they have $400,000 in a joint taxable account. In 2024, Sam earned $75,000 and Alice earned $20,000. And, like so many couples in their age range, Sam and Alice want to know if their nest egg is ready to support them as they prepare for retirement. On today's show, we use Keen Wealth's comprehensive planning process to help "Sam and Alice" analyze their financial situation and identify some key decisions they'll need to make to keep their money and their lives in sync.

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What a Second Trump Term Could Mean for Social Security, Taxes, and Interest Rates Thumbnail

What a Second Trump Term Could Mean for Social Security, Taxes, and Interest Rates

If there's one thing we know that the financial markets like, it's certainty. And since the 2024 presidential election was settled overnight -- rather than the weeks it took to count votes in 2020 -- the markets have reacted to the certainty of our new political reality with very strong returns. But as Donald Trump prepares to return to the White House, there are still many lingering questions about how the economic vision he laid out on the campaign trail will or won't materialize. On today's show, we explore some of President-elect Trump’s policy proposals and how they could affect your retirement planning.

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7 Financial Goals to Hit by Age 62 So You Can Retire Comfortably Thumbnail

7 Financial Goals to Hit by Age 62 So You Can Retire Comfortably

Generally, when folks hit their early 60s and feel like they're 3-5 years away from retirement, that's when they start assessing if they're truly ready. Typically, the kids are out of the house; grandchildren might even be in the picture. They've usually achieved some major milestones in their careers. They've enjoyed a few bucket-list experiences and want to start spending more of their time doing the things they love with the people they love. So, what does a clear path to retirement look like to a 62-year-old? As always, Keen Wealth has a checklist!

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10 Lesser-Known Facts About Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs) Thumbnail

10 Lesser-Known Facts About Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs)

Most retirees know that, once they turn 73 (if born after 1950), they are required by law to take required minimum distributions (RMDs) from their retirement accounts. But in financial planning, nothing is ever quite that simple. In the past several years, the rules around RMDs have changed in very significant ways. Those changes, other rules around how and when RMDs occur, and changes to the very nature of retirement create complex planning scenarios that affect all retirees in very different ways. To maximize your nest egg, make sure you discuss these lesser-known facts about RMDs with your financial advisor:

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