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Keen On Retirement

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Could Tariff Turbulence Create Opportunities for Your Financial Plan? Thumbnail

Could Tariff Turbulence Create Opportunities for Your Financial Plan?

Tariffs are nothing new. They've been implemented at several points in U.S. history, including as recently as 2018. But there are a confluence of factors surrounding President Trump's current round of tariffs that make it worth discussing. On today's show, we round up questions we've been receiving at Keen Wealth about tariffs to provide a comprehensive rundown of why Wall Street is interested and what you should discuss with your financial advisor.

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Financial Success: What Does It Mean and How Do You Achieve It? Thumbnail

Financial Success: What Does It Mean and How Do You Achieve It?

A new study by financial services company Empower asked 2,203 Americans, 18 and older, how they defined “financial success.” The results reveal some fascinating differences between how generations view their money. But the numbers also show that folks at every stage of their financial journeys share some common goals, worry about some common roadblocks, and have arrived at a common conclusion about the most impactful financial tool at their disposal.

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What a Second Trump Term Could Mean for Social Security, Taxes, and Interest Rates Thumbnail

What a Second Trump Term Could Mean for Social Security, Taxes, and Interest Rates

If there's one thing we know that the financial markets like, it's certainty. And since the 2024 presidential election was settled overnight -- rather than the weeks it took to count votes in 2020 -- the markets have reacted to the certainty of our new political reality with very strong returns. But as Donald Trump prepares to return to the White House, there are still many lingering questions about how the economic vision he laid out on the campaign trail will or won't materialize. On today's show, we explore some of President-elect Trump’s policy proposals and how they could affect your retirement planning.

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Reflecting on the Historical and Financial Lessons of 9/11 Thumbnail

Reflecting on the Historical and Financial Lessons of 9/11

On the morning of September 11, 2001, I was driving on Southwest Trafficway, heading to my office on the Country Club Plaza in Kansas City. When I walked inside the world had changed. My colleagues were huddled around TVs watching the horrific, surreal footage from the terrorist attacks in New York. About a month later I was in New York for business meetings and I saw the destruction first-hand. Everyone was wearing facemasks because the air was still heavy with soot. At Ground Zero, some parts of the remaining tower structures were still burning from the intense heat. You could feel the grief and the fear. But there was also a remarkable sense of resilience. People were pulling together, helping each other, doing their part. And, little by little, the city, the country – and, yes, the markets -- began to recover. On today's show, my cohosts and I discuss our memories of that terrible day before zooming out for an analysis of how major historical events can affect the global economy and individual investors.

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What Impact Will the 2024 Elections Have on Your Financial Plan? Thumbnail

What Impact Will the 2024 Elections Have on Your Financial Plan?

How are you feeling about the upcoming elections? Until about a week ago, I think that many folks might have had November on the periphery of their radar, especially if they don't live in a contested swing state. But the tragic events in Pennsylvania and the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee have probably changed that perception for all Americans. And as interest -- and emotions -- start running higher, it can become very difficult to separate your politics from your financial planning. On today's show, we discuss how elections typically impact the financial markets and what kinds of mistakes investors should try to avoid as we head deeper into election season.

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Retirement on the Horizon? Here's What You Need to Know About the Economy in 2024 Thumbnail

Retirement on the Horizon? Here's What You Need to Know About the Economy in 2024

Interest rates, inflation forecasts, and long-term market trends were just a few of the topics Matt Wilson, CFP® covered in our recent 2024 Q2 Market Update Webinar, "Gain Insights on the Economy & Markets." The follow-up questions we tackle on today’s show are largely geared toward folks who are approaching the retirement transition with some understandable anxiety. I hope that as we provide a little more detail on these important topics and the overall state of the economy, folks will feel more confident in their financial plans and more excited about retirement.

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