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Keen On Retirement

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What Impact Could a Joe Biden Presidency Have on Our Economy? Thumbnail

What Impact Could a Joe Biden Presidency Have on Our Economy?

So much of our focus this year has been on Covid-19 that you might have missed a major milestone that we passed recently. We are now less than 100 days away from what promises to be a very contentious and impactful presidential election. The economic side of the debate has started to take shape now that former Vice President Joe Biden has released some new tax proposals.

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Appreciating Our Freedoms During Covid-19 Thumbnail

Appreciating Our Freedoms During Covid-19

Back when we were all living in quarantine, many of us saw celebrating the 4th of July as a short-term goal. If we all did our part to keep ourselves and our communities safe, maybe fireworks, parades, and backyard BBQs could mark the return to normalcy we were all craving.

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