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Keen On Retirement

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Harvesting Wealth: Lessons from the Thanksgiving Table for Your Retirement Planning Thumbnail

Harvesting Wealth: Lessons from the Thanksgiving Table for Your Retirement Planning

The perfect Thanksgiving meal requires planning, balance, patience, and a generous guest list. At Keen Wealth, our comprehensive financial planning process uses a similar blueprint to help folks cultivate wealth for retirement. And while the prep can feel like it's taking forever, when you're sitting down at that beautiful, bountiful table, surrounded by your loved ones, the wait is almost always worth it. As you begin setting goals for the year ahead, use this five-step process to infuse your financial planning with a spirit of Thanksgiving.

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Reflecting and Reconnecting: Using the Holiday Season for Personal Growth in Retirement Thumbnail

Reflecting and Reconnecting: Using the Holiday Season for Personal Growth in Retirement

In many ways, the holiday season is a mirror of what life in retirement can be like. Folks are off work, if only for a few extra days. Schedules tend to revolve around the people we love and the things we enjoy doing, especially cherished family traditions. And even though there can be some stress around prepping meals and crossing items off your shopping list, there are also pockets of quiet where we can enjoy good company and a warm beverage while we reflect on what matters the most. As you celebrate the holidays and prepare for the New Year, consider ways that you can incorporate some of the season's fellowship and good cheer into your 2024 retirement plan.

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Add Daily Thanksgiving to Your Holiday Routine Thumbnail

Add Daily Thanksgiving to Your Holiday Routine

Being grateful can be hard work. The media bombards us with so much bad news, and our lives are so full of everyday stresses that it's easy to lose sight of all the good things we have going for us. And when we're really low, gratitude might even feel a little out of reach. However, as we discuss on today's show, intentionally incorporating gratefulness into your daily routine can create a positive mindset that improves all aspects of your life, from your health and your relationships to your financial planning.

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Maintaining Mental Agility: Try These 4 Brain-Boosting Activities for Retirees Thumbnail

Maintaining Mental Agility: Try These 4 Brain-Boosting Activities for Retirees

Is your brain getting the workout it needs to keep you mentally sharp in retirement? Medical science has established a pretty clear link between physical and mental health. According to Harvard Medical School, a variety of mental stimulation, paired with regular exercise and a healthy diet, can create new neural connections in your brain, regenerate new brain cells, and even protect the brain against the loss of cells in the future. The Mayo Clinic says that same mix of healthy living and thinking can lower your risk of developing Alzheimer’s or dementia. And CogniFit Research recommends “brain fitness” as a means to maintain working memory, planning ability, focus, and the speed at which we process information. Consider mixing some of these brain-boosting activities into your retirement wellness routine.

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Find More Joy in Your Holiday Season Thumbnail

Find More Joy in Your Holiday Season

Even for those of us who are looking forward to big celebrations with our loved ones, the holidays can be full of conflicting emotions. You might be feeling pressure to plan and host the "perfect" holiday party. Baking and shopping for everyone on your Nice List can be stressful. You might be worried about making it through just one family gathering without an argument. And if you are spending your holidays away from loved ones, loneliness could have you feeling less-than festive. One of these activities might help you beat those holiday blues, experience the joy of the season, and spread that goodwill to other people.

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Reflections on Gratitude from Keen Wealth Advisors Thumbnail

Reflections on Gratitude from Keen Wealth Advisors

Among the many things that I’m thankful for this year – and every year – is the incredible team here at Keen Wealth Advisors. I wanted to open up my annual Thanksgiving post to give my team an opportunity to express their gratitude and share a little bit of their lives and work with our audience.

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