Retiring in a Recession: Why Market Downturns Can Be Your Friend
If you receive most of your financial advice from cable news and social media, you might feel like we're perpetually on the brink of a recession. The prospect of a major downturn can feel especially unsettling for those whose short-term financial goals include retirement. Even aspiring retirees who do understand the inevitable ups and downs of investing might worry that now isn't "the right time" to retire. One of the benefits of the Keen Wealth Advantage is that we don't just react to external economic events, we proactively plan for a wide variety of contingencies -- including recessions. And while retiring during a downturn might sound like bad timing, with proper planning it's possible to retire on your terms, and on your timeline, no matter what's happening on Wall Street. In some cases, following your retirement plan right through market volatility can even be advantageous.