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Keen On Retirement

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Focused insight on timely, relevant topics. Start planning your retirement. 

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Could Tariff Turbulence Create Opportunities for Your Financial Plan? Thumbnail

Could Tariff Turbulence Create Opportunities for Your Financial Plan?

Tariffs are nothing new. They've been implemented at several points in U.S. history, including as recently as 2018. But there are a confluence of factors surrounding President Trump's current round of tariffs that make it worth discussing. On today's show, we round up questions we've been receiving at Keen Wealth about tariffs to provide a comprehensive rundown of why Wall Street is interested and what you should discuss with your financial advisor.

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Retiring in a Recession: Why Market Downturns Can Be Your Friend Thumbnail

Retiring in a Recession: Why Market Downturns Can Be Your Friend

If you receive most of your financial advice from cable news and social media, you might feel like we're perpetually on the brink of a recession. The prospect of a major downturn can feel especially unsettling for those whose short-term financial goals include retirement. Even aspiring retirees who do understand the inevitable ups and downs of investing might worry that now isn't "the right time" to retire. One of the benefits of the Keen Wealth Advantage is that we don't just react to external economic events, we proactively plan for a wide variety of contingencies -- including recessions. And while retiring during a downturn might sound like bad timing, with proper planning it's possible to retire on your terms, and on your timeline, no matter what's happening on Wall Street. In some cases, following your retirement plan right through market volatility can even be advantageous.

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The Hidden Money Traps That Could Derail Your Retirement Thumbnail

The Hidden Money Traps That Could Derail Your Retirement

If you're spending a lot of your day scrolling on social media or glued to cable news, you might feel like your emotions are running a little high right now. Major life transitions can also cause our feelings to spike, whether we're getting ready to send a kid to college or thinking about retiring. But while letting your feelings in is just part of being human, letting too much emotion seep into your financial decision-making can be catastrophic for your long-term security. On today's show, we discuss financial biases that we all should be on the lookout for as we try to manage both our emotions and our money.

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Natural Disasters, Bitcoin, and Market Uncertainty: What Every Investor Needs to Know to Stay Sane and Solvent Thumbnail

Natural Disasters, Bitcoin, and Market Uncertainty: What Every Investor Needs to Know to Stay Sane and Solvent

A New Year brings excitement, hope, and a little extra motivation to achieve some major goals. But 2025 has also brought some uncertainty as well. Political, economic, environmental, and technological events have all made big headlines, sometimes all on the same day. If you're feeling a little unsure about your financial planning right now, you're not alone. So, on today's show, we answer three timely listener questions that hopefully will give folks some perspective on where the economy is right now, where we could be headed, and how to set the best course for the rest of the year.

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Answering Your Questions About the Next Recession, AI Investing, and the Federal Deficit Thumbnail

Answering Your Questions About the Next Recession, AI Investing, and the Federal Deficit

With the presidential election less than a week away, I know many folks are feeling like the present is on pause while we’re waiting on some important answers about the future. Matt Wilson, Keen Wealth’s Chief Investment Officer and President, analyzed the latest data surrounding the election, the health of the economy, and the early outlook for 2025 in his recent 2024 Q4 Market Update Webinar. Today we’re going to discuss some follow-up questions from webinar attendees that should provide a little more clarity about the relationship between your short-term and long-term financial planning.

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5 Ways to Increase Your Social Security Benefits — Plus One Bonus Strategy Thumbnail

5 Ways to Increase Your Social Security Benefits — Plus One Bonus Strategy

The idea that retirees can live off Social Security alone is a bit of a holdover from the old "automatic retirement at 65" days. For the most part, your parents and grandparents weren't thinking about 30 or 40-year retirements, active living into their 70s or 80s, or cycling in and out of the workforce to pursue new challenges and passions. Most -- but not all -- of today's retirees would have a hard time relying solely on their Social Security benefits to cover monthly expenses, especially in the later stages of retirement when health care costs tend to spike. However, just because Social Security has a different place in the retirement equation than it once did, that doesn't mean your benefits aren't still incredibly valuable! If you work hard and plan ahead with your financial advisor, you can utilize these five strategies to boost your benefits, pad your nest egg, and hopefully feel a little more secure about your retirement spending plan.

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