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Keen On Retirement

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Avoid These 7 Big Regrets People Have in Retirement Thumbnail

Avoid These 7 Big Regrets People Have in Retirement

Even happy, successful retirees can experience some turbulence as they transition into the second half of their lives. I hope that folks who are preparing for or just starting retirement can learn from some of the most common regrets that retirees have talked to me about so that your journey into retirement can be a little bit smoother.

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Slow Travel Could Make Your Next Vacation More Affordable and More Rewarding Thumbnail

Slow Travel Could Make Your Next Vacation More Affordable and More Rewarding

Planning a vacation is often a balancing act between quality and quantity. But retirees who opt for slow travel may not have to make that choice. Rather than rushing from one attraction to the next, slow travel lets you really immerse yourself in your destination and get the most from two valuable retirement resources: your money and your time. Here are three reasons retirees should consider adding some extra days, or even weeks, to your next travel itinerary.

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What Can You Expect in a First Meeting with Keen Wealth Advisors? Thumbnail

What Can You Expect in a First Meeting with Keen Wealth Advisors?

"Sean" is 60, and he wants to retire by the end of this year. His wife, "Mary," is also 60, and she wants to retire in two-to-three years. Maybe. Sean has an IRA worth $1,000,000 and a health savings account with $5,000 in it. Mary has a 401(k) worth $800,000, an IRA worth $700,000, and company stock worth $100,000. They also have cash savings of about $600,000. They want to be able to spend $120,000 per year in retirement.

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What Do Wealth and Comfort Mean in Retirement? Thumbnail

What Do Wealth and Comfort Mean in Retirement?

"Wealthy" is another category that's a lot more relative than people may realize. Sure, we talk about "the 1%" a lot in our society. Others might point to the IRS' tax brackets to gauge wealth. But Charles Schwab's Modern Wealth Survey 2022 shows that people want more from their money than just wealth -- they want to be able to live a life that aligns with what's most important to them.

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