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Keen On Retirement

Insights Blog & Podcast

Focused insight on timely, relevant topics. Start planning your retirement. 

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Tiny Homes Make a Huge Difference for Kansas City’s Veterans Thumbnail

Tiny Homes Make a Huge Difference for Kansas City’s Veterans

A few years ago, I was intrigued by the many news stories I was seeing about the new “tiny homes” helping homeless veterans around Kansas City. I reached out and connected with the Veterans Community Project, and the more I learned, the more impressed I was by the impact that the VCP is having. One number really stood out: over 90% of the veterans whom the VCP work with are able to get back on their feet and reacclimate into society.

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Add Podcasts To Your Binge List for 2021 Thumbnail

Add Podcasts To Your Binge List for 2021

This time last year, many seniors had never heard of Zoom or made a video call. You knew about Netflix and Apple TV, but maybe you were waiting for your grandkids to set them up for you the next time they visited. You had social media accounts, but those were just for sharing family photos. After learning how to connect, stay informed, and keep yourself entertained during the pandemic, I’ll bet your cell phone and other household technology are much less intimidating than they used to be. So, if your TV and movie queue is starting to thin out, this might be the perfect time to explore podcasts.

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Facing the Challenges and Finding the Opportunities in a Covid-Related Unexpected Retirement Thumbnail

Facing the Challenges and Finding the Opportunities in a Covid-Related Unexpected Retirement

Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, unexpected early retirement was on the rise. The broad challenges of globalization combined with shifting workplace dynamics had led to a wave of downsizing, buyouts, and sudden termination. COVID-19 is accelerating many of those changes to how, when, and where folks work, but it’s also had an immediate and devastating effect on employment.

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Better Habits for Better Health, Better Financial Stability, and a Better Retirement Thumbnail

Better Habits for Better Health, Better Financial Stability, and a Better Retirement

When we ask our clients to describe their ideal retirement, two of the most common responses are “healthy” and “stable.” In our experience, most successful retirees find ways to align these two goals … and throw in a little fun as well. In fact, it seems that there may be a psychological connection between how we plan for our money and how we plan for our health.

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