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Keen On Retirement

Insights Blog & Podcast

Focused insight on timely, relevant topics. Start planning your retirement. 

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Answering Your Questions About Paying Taxes in Retirement Thumbnail

Answering Your Questions About Paying Taxes in Retirement

Without careful analysis and planning, taxes can become one of the biggest expenses for retirees -- if not the biggest. Matt Wilson, Chief Investment Officer and President of Keen Wealth Advisors, recently hosted a webinar discussing the tax issues you could face at four stages of retirement. Today's podcast episode hits on some of Matt's key points and answers important follow-up questions from webinar attendees. Together, this content provides a full picture of how Keen Wealth integrates both annual tax preparation and long-term tax planning into a comprehensive financial plan.

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Keen Wealth’s Checklist for Caring for Elderly Relatives Thumbnail

Keen Wealth’s Checklist for Caring for Elderly Relatives

On today's show, we discuss a topic that many of us will deal with from multiple angles: caring for elderly family members. Many baby boomers who are transitioning into retirement have also become caregivers for their parents or older relatives. At the same time, these retirees may be beginning to talk to their children or grandchildren about some estate planning basics and how they want to be cared for if they start to experience a decline later in life. These are some of the most challenging decisions to make and some of the hardest conversations to have. But making a plan while you and the people you're caring for are still healthy and opening up about your wishes with loved ones can make the tough times we all experience in life a little bit easier down the road.

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Answering Your Questions About the Debt Ceiling, Bank Closures, and the Market Outlook Thumbnail

Answering Your Questions About the Debt Ceiling, Bank Closures, and the Market Outlook

Matt Wilson's latest Market Update webinar touched on some important topics that you've probably seen in the headlines lately: interest rates, inflation, bank closures, the debt ceiling debate, and economic growth forecasts for the rest of the year. But if you're just getting your info on these things from social media or cable news, Matt's approach was likely a breath of fresh air. At Keen Wealth, we try to provide clear-eyed analysis without the hype so that folks can understand the practical effects that hot-button issues could have on their financial plans and their retirement. On today's show, we recap some of the bullet points from Matt's Q2 Market Update and answer a few follow-up questions from folks who attended the webinar.

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Answering Your Questions about Retirement Spending Thumbnail

Answering Your Questions about Retirement Spending

I know I say this every time we answer listener questions, but these are some of my favorite episodes of Keen on Retirement. I love hearing from listeners trying to think through crucial financial planning issues and be proactive about their lives. And I'm thrilled that so many folks in our audience took the time to attend our most recent webinar on Retirement Spending, reflect on the info that Keen Wealth's Matt Wilson presented, and send in thoughtful follow-up questions on a wide range of essential topics.

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How Keen Wealth Helps Protect Our Clients Money, Balances, and Investments Thumbnail

How Keen Wealth Helps Protect Our Clients Money, Balances, and Investments

Last week, concerned customers pulled their deposits from Silicon Valley Bank and Silvergate Capital in California after both banks reported major losses on their balance sheets. This triggered another bank run at Signature Bank in New York. All three banks were heavily exposed to the tech sector, which has struggled this year, in part, because higher interest rates make it tougher for these companies to borrow cash and pursue long-term growth strategies.

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Answering Your Questions About “Timing” the Retirement Transition Thumbnail

Answering Your Questions About “Timing” the Retirement Transition

We received very positive feedback from folks who attended our most recent educational webinar, "Timing is Everything." And, we also received some excellent follow-up questions that we're going to address on today's episode. Our conversation ranges from transportation costs to health insurance and asset allocations. We also discuss what we mean by “timing” in retirement and how Keen Wealth’s comprehensive planning process prepares folks for the best half of life.

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