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Keen On Retirement

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How to Prepare Emotionally for Retirement Thumbnail

How to Prepare Emotionally for Retirement

Well, recently I came across an excellent article on this subject from the good folks at Age Wave, a company that studies how an aging population affects society. Their research and analyses have been very valuable to advisors like myself as we help the large “baby boomer” generation ease out of the workforce and into retirement. This study breaks down how to prepare emotionally for retirement into five stages: Imagination, Anticipation, Liberation, Reorientation, and Reconciliation. I highly recommend reading the entire article, but today I thought I’d give a brief overview of these five stages and how they relate to your retirement plan.

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Yes! Take Advantage of These 5 Free Preventative Services Medicare Provides Thumbnail

Yes! Take Advantage of These 5 Free Preventative Services Medicare Provides

Moving from your employer-subsidized health care plan to Medicare or Medicaid can be one of the most complicated, and stressful, transitions for new retirees. Options vary depending on what state you live in. Weighing the cost benefits of affordable but restrictive Advantage plans, versus the freedom of a more expensive Supplement plan, can create budgeting challenges. We covered the basics of navigating Medicare in a very informative podcast earlier this year. Today, I want to give you some good news: once you do settle on a plan that provides for your health care needs, Medicare offers free preventative services that new retirees should jump on:

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Are You Living Too Conservatively in Retirement? A 4-Point Checklist Thumbnail

Are You Living Too Conservatively in Retirement? A 4-Point Checklist

Is your conservative spending plan in retirement putting a lid on your day-to-day happiness? At Keen Wealth, we tailor financial plans to the specific needs and long-term goals of each client. But whatever tools and strategies we utilize, I think it’s safe to say that we’re helping folks stick to a “savings mindset.” And that’s a good thing! We’ve talked in recent blogs and podcasts about how important it is to get in the habit of saving and investing, especially for new workers (like your kids or grandkids).

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What Should I Know about Taking Care of an Aging Parent? Thumbnail

What Should I Know about Taking Care of an Aging Parent?

As parents, our children are always at the forefront of our concerns, especially during back-to-school season. But as my clients near retirement age, their own parents often become part of the caregiving picture as well. An aging parent who is showing signs of slowing down, or suddenly needs more direct attention after a medical emergency, presents a whole separate set of challenges and responsibilities that can affect your financial planning.

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