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Turning STEM into STEAM Can Turn Grads into Employed Adults Thumbnail

Turning STEM into STEAM Can Turn Grads into Employed Adults

Recently I talked about something that is probably hitting home hard for a lot of you right now: sending kids and grandkids off to college. My son, Devin, has started at the University of Missouri – Science and Technology, and even though Devin is my third child, practice doesn’t make this process any easier. Letting go is tough. All you can do is trust that the examples you’ve set will point your kids in the right direction.

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Your Financial Education Starts with You Thumbnail

Your Financial Education Starts with You

When I sit down with other financial industry professionals to talk shop, many of them ask me why I devote so much time to the financial education of my clients and online audience via blogs, podcasts, and webinars. Recently, someone quipped to me, “Bill, before I go to the dentist, I don’t read up on cavities and root canals. The dentist tells me what to do, and I do it. Fiduciary advisors and their clients are no different.”

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3 Tips to Safeguard Your Finances from the Latest Credit and Debit Card Hack Thumbnail

3 Tips to Safeguard Your Finances from the Latest Credit and Debit Card Hack

My daughter thought she was doing the right thing, the safe thing … And that’s how hackers drained her bank account. The hacks, viruses, and scams are coming at us fast in 2017. Barely two months ago we were dealing with WannaCry. Last week the Petya ransomware virus attacked the US, Europe, and the Middle East. But credit and debit card fraud has really hit home for me lately. When someone in your family gets hacked, it really strips away the illusion that, “Those kinds of things won’t happen to me.”

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