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Keen On Retirement

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A Six-Step Process For Decluttering Your Finances – And Your Life! Thumbnail

A Six-Step Process For Decluttering Your Finances – And Your Life!

One of the best books I read last year was Marie Kondo’s “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up.” Kondo is an organizational consultant who says her mission is to “organize the world and spark joy in people’s lives.” Her world-famous “KonMari Method™” teaches folks how to apply traditional Japanese simplicity values to decluttering, freeing us from stuff we’ve accumulated over the course of our lives that doesn’t really make us happy.

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4 Important Lessons on Financial Success That 2017 Taught Us Thumbnail

4 Important Lessons on Financial Success That 2017 Taught Us

No, we can’t look back at 2017 and tell you definitively how the market is going to behave in 2018. But we can look for potential “rhymes,” the lessons of the past year and the trends that may echo into the next. In particular, I think there are four important takeaways from 2017 that you should keep in mind when discussing your 2018 financial plans with your fiduciary advisor:

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How Couples Can Survive (and Thrive) the Emotional Transition to Retirement Thumbnail

How Couples Can Survive (and Thrive) the Emotional Transition to Retirement

Many newly retired couples find themselves spending more of their days together than they have in decades. With the kids out of the house and the old workday routines gone, retired couples need to find new ways to fill their time and fulfill themselves emotionally. Like most important issues that arise in a relationship, solving for a successful transition into retirement depends on quality communication. With that in mind, here are some questions you and your spouse can ask each other to open up a dialogue that will help you ease into your golden years:

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Is It Possible To Be “Too Smart” To Be a Successful Investor? Thumbnail

Is It Possible To Be “Too Smart” To Be a Successful Investor?

My clients at Keen Wealth are typically smart and prudent people who have been very good at what they do in their careers. In particular, the engineering community that we serve, consists of many of these accomplished professionals that have walked through our doors looking to delegate the task of managing their hard-earned money – capital that will hopefully carry them through their retirement. In my experience, the most successful of those folks are the ones that acknowledge that “they know what they don’t know,” and seek help.

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