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Keen On Retirement

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Can You Score 6 Out of 6 On This Tax Definitions Quiz? Thumbnail

Can You Score 6 Out of 6 On This Tax Definitions Quiz?

Less than a month to go until Tax Day! I know many of you out there are feeling the crunch, especially if you’re preparing your taxes on your own. But even if you do work with a tax professional, it’s important to have a basic understanding of how the IRS determines your taxable income this year, and an understanding of the new laws going into effect next year.

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How Inflation Can Pummel Your Portfolio, If You Don’t Plan For It Thumbnail

How Inflation Can Pummel Your Portfolio, If You Don’t Plan For It

At Keen Wealth, we try to view these developments through a very wide lens and remind our clients that the long-term upward trajectory of our economy never follows a straight line. Today, I thought it might be useful to narrow our focus a little bit. Let’s look at how the rate of inflation affects your personal portfolio, as well as other factors that don’t necessarily make the headlines but can still impact your purchasing power in retirement.

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Live Longer and Better in Retirement – Social Conventions From The Ancient Village Thumbnail

Live Longer and Better in Retirement – Social Conventions From The Ancient Village

I’ve written before that my team at Keen Wealth places a high priority on educating ourselves about trends, innovations, and ideas that could have an impact on the financial and lifestyle planning we do for our clients. Personally, I set aside a few hours out of my workweek for learning time, and recently I came across a fascinating Ted2017 talk from Susan Pinker. She’s a developmental psychologist whose book, The Village Effect, talks about how important face-to-face social bonds are to our longevity and quality of life. I recommend watching Pinker’s entire Ted2017 talk, but I’d also like to focus on a few insights that I think can really help seniors strengthen their social bonds and enjoy a long and prosperous life in retirement.

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