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Silencing the Noise: What You Should Know About the Upcoming Election Thumbnail

Silencing the Noise: What You Should Know About the Upcoming Election

In this webinar, Bill Keen and Matt Wilson welcome back Washington insider Greg Valliere for a conversation about the state of the U.S. economy in 2020 as well as a preview of the upcoming presidential election. Some of the topics Greg Valliere discussed with Bill and Matt include: The U.S. economy and the outlook for interest rates. The surging budget deficits and the impact on markets.

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Keeping the Memory of a Parent Alive  Thumbnail

Keeping the Memory of a Parent Alive

This has been a tough year for all of us, but it's been even harder for folks who have recently lost a parent. No matter how old you are, you could count on mom and dad's wisdom, experience, and love to give you some perspective on challenging times like this one.

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Is the Road Through Covid-19 Paved with Gold? Thumbnail

Is the Road Through Covid-19 Paved with Gold?

Whenever the market experiences significant volatility you're likely to see "gold bugs" swarming your social media and cable news feeds. Investing in a commodity like gold that we perceive as "stable" sounds appealing when other investments, like stocks, seem unstable.

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