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Keen On Retirement

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60 is the New 20 for Mental Speed Thumbnail

60 is the New 20 for Mental Speed

As we age, it can be a little jarring when you notice it's taking an extra second or two to find the right word or put a name to a familiar face. For many decades, scientists attributed these quirks to studies showing that mental speed peaks around age 20 and slowly declines thereafter.

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Developing a Healthy Relationship With Money Thumbnail

Developing a Healthy Relationship With Money

To help me explore these important intersections, I'm thrilled to welcome Dr. Megan McCoy to today's episode. Dr. McCoy is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and a Certified Financial Therapist-I. At Kansas State University, she's a Professor of Practice and Director of the Financial Planning Masters Program and key faculty in the Financial Therapy Certificate Program. Dr. McCoy is also an Executive Board member for the Financial Therapy Association and the Associate Editor of the Journal of Financial Therapy.

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