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Keen On Retirement

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3 Tips to Safeguard Your Finances from the Latest Credit and Debit Card Hack Thumbnail

3 Tips to Safeguard Your Finances from the Latest Credit and Debit Card Hack

My daughter thought she was doing the right thing, the safe thing … And that’s how hackers drained her bank account. The hacks, viruses, and scams are coming at us fast in 2017. Barely two months ago we were dealing with WannaCry. Last week the Petya ransomware virus attacked the US, Europe, and the Middle East. But credit and debit card fraud has really hit home for me lately. When someone in your family gets hacked, it really strips away the illusion that, “Those kinds of things won’t happen to me.”

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Stop #Adulting: Educate Your Kids About Their Money Thumbnail

Stop #Adulting: Educate Your Kids About Their Money

We’ve all had a good chuckle seeing #adulting and #failuretolaunch on social media, describing the difficulty some millennials have adjusting to adulthood. But the numbers behind the hashtags aren’t funny. For the first time in 130 years, an 18-34-year-old is more likely to be living at home with his or her parents than to be living with a spouse or partner. Incredibly, 25% of adults aged 25-29 are still living at home.

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Investing in Your Kids and Grandkids: 529’s, Roth IRA’s, or Outright Gifts? Thumbnail

Investing in Your Kids and Grandkids: 529’s, Roth IRA’s, or Outright Gifts?

Retirement planning isn’t just about fueling up for the flight to that dream destination. A lot of my clients at Keen Wealth also want to plan the most tax-efficient and responsible ways to set aside resources now that will support their kids and grandkids as they get started on their financial journey. That may mean a college education, buying a first home, or even giving them a head start on their retirement planning.

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