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Keen On Retirement

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Focused insight on timely, relevant topics. Start planning your retirement. 

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Disaster Strikes! Use This 3-Step Disaster Prep Plan to Minimize the Pain Thumbnail

Disaster Strikes! Use This 3-Step Disaster Prep Plan to Minimize the Pain

Maybe the scariest thing about the 2017 hurricane season is that it’s not over yet. It’s hard to imagine dealing with anything more destructive than Harvey, Irma, and Maria this year, but historically, some of the strongest storms have hit the U.S. in October and November. And add in the devastation from the recent large-scale earthquakes, it’s clear that the strain Mother Nature has put on our disaster prep and response services will continue for some time.

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Are You Living Too Conservatively in Retirement? A 4-Point Checklist Thumbnail

Are You Living Too Conservatively in Retirement? A 4-Point Checklist

Is your conservative spending plan in retirement putting a lid on your day-to-day happiness? At Keen Wealth, we tailor financial plans to the specific needs and long-term goals of each client. But whatever tools and strategies we utilize, I think it’s safe to say that we’re helping folks stick to a “savings mindset.” And that’s a good thing! We’ve talked in recent blogs and podcasts about how important it is to get in the habit of saving and investing, especially for new workers (like your kids or grandkids).

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Turning STEM into STEAM Can Turn Grads into Employed Adults Thumbnail

Turning STEM into STEAM Can Turn Grads into Employed Adults

Recently I talked about something that is probably hitting home hard for a lot of you right now: sending kids and grandkids off to college. My son, Devin, has started at the University of Missouri – Science and Technology, and even though Devin is my third child, practice doesn’t make this process any easier. Letting go is tough. All you can do is trust that the examples you’ve set will point your kids in the right direction.

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