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Keen On Retirement

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Insights on Interest Rates, the Banking System, and Your Financial Plan from the 2023 Barron’s Summit Thumbnail

Insights on Interest Rates, the Banking System, and Your Financial Plan from the 2023 Barron’s Summit

Earlier this month, I attended The Barron’s Advisor Independent Summit in Dallas with Keen Wealth's Chief Investment Officer and President, Matt Wilson. It's a real privilege to be invited to this annual conference where we can talk to and learn from some of the top minds in finance. While the program had been scheduled well in advance, the recent bank collapses in California and New York became one of the dominant topics. Matt and I recorded today's show live at the Summit so that we could share some of the key insights we heard from colleagues and other financial pros about the state of our banking system and the broader economic outlook for the year ahead. We also scale these issues down so that you can have a better understanding of how the big picture could affect your personal financial plan.

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How Keen Wealth Helps Protect Our Clients Money, Balances, and Investments Thumbnail

How Keen Wealth Helps Protect Our Clients Money, Balances, and Investments

Last week, concerned customers pulled their deposits from Silicon Valley Bank and Silvergate Capital in California after both banks reported major losses on their balance sheets. This triggered another bank run at Signature Bank in New York. All three banks were heavily exposed to the tech sector, which has struggled this year, in part, because higher interest rates make it tougher for these companies to borrow cash and pursue long-term growth strategies.

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