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Keen On Retirement

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Focused insight on timely, relevant topics. Start planning your retirement. 

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7 Tips to Spring Clean Your Finances Thumbnail

7 Tips to Spring Clean Your Finances

Spring is finally here! Time to throw open the windows, and let some sun and fresh air back into your house — and your finances. Yes, we recommend working with a fiduciary advisor who will be thinking about your financial situation consistently throughout the year. But why not let spring time be a catalyst for a personal spring clean for your financial house just as much as for your cluttered garage and closet? Here are some tips we at Keen Wealth Advisors encourage our clients to consider:

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Cancelled Flight - Good Pilots Go Well Beyond the Minimum Requirements Thumbnail

Cancelled Flight - Good Pilots Go Well Beyond the Minimum Requirements

As some of you may know, one of my passions is flying. And when I’m not in my office at Keen Wealth or relaxing with my family, you might find me in the cockpit. I’ve logged hundreds of hours as a pilot including many trips with passengers. To be legal and current to fly passengers requires me to make a minimum of three takeoffs and three landings within ninety days of a scheduled flight.

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Here’s How NOT to be Surprised by Your Taxes in Retirement Thumbnail

Here’s How NOT to be Surprised by Your Taxes in Retirement

One piece of advice we give our clients at Keen Wealth Advisors is to make a financial plan that attempts to minimize surprises in retirement. Without a plan, many retirees get their first big surprise in the second week of April. And it’s not a fun surprise: when you stop receiving a paycheck and start living off your assets and investments, your tax filings can change dramatically.

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