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Keen On Retirement

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These Crazy Technologies May Make Your Retirement Last Longer Thumbnail

These Crazy Technologies May Make Your Retirement Last Longer

Technology can be overwhelming but upcoming technologies may make life for retirees dramatically different–in a very good way. Roughly 10,000 Baby Boomers retire every day and soon they may be able to live longer, healthier lives in retirement. Many of my retiring clients look forward to their golden years but also worry about aging and losing their freedom. Although Boomers are considered relatively technology challenged compared to their Millennial children, new advances promise to not only extend our lifespans but improve the quality of our lives.

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Breaking Noise: How the Best Investors Separate the News From the Noise Thumbnail

Breaking Noise: How the Best Investors Separate the News From the Noise

The financial media bombards us with attention-grabbing headlines designed to get us to read their articles so they can sell more advertising. Often times, their “news” is nothing more than noise that can distract thoughtful investors from really understanding what’s going on. Today, we’ll take a look at the business cycle and the stock market cycle to learn how economic fundamentals–not noisy headlines–are what we should ultimately focus on.

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