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Keen On Retirement

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Disaster Strikes! Use This 3-Step Disaster Prep Plan to Minimize the Pain Thumbnail

Disaster Strikes! Use This 3-Step Disaster Prep Plan to Minimize the Pain

Maybe the scariest thing about the 2017 hurricane season is that it’s not over yet. It’s hard to imagine dealing with anything more destructive than Harvey, Irma, and Maria this year, but historically, some of the strongest storms have hit the U.S. in October and November. And add in the devastation from the recent large-scale earthquakes, it’s clear that the strain Mother Nature has put on our disaster prep and response services will continue for some time.

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Yes! Take Advantage of These 5 Free Preventative Services Medicare Provides Thumbnail

Yes! Take Advantage of These 5 Free Preventative Services Medicare Provides

Moving from your employer-subsidized health care plan to Medicare or Medicaid can be one of the most complicated, and stressful, transitions for new retirees. Options vary depending on what state you live in. Weighing the cost benefits of affordable but restrictive Advantage plans, versus the freedom of a more expensive Supplement plan, can create budgeting challenges. We covered the basics of navigating Medicare in a very informative podcast earlier this year. Today, I want to give you some good news: once you do settle on a plan that provides for your health care needs, Medicare offers free preventative services that new retirees should jump on:

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