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Keen On Retirement

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When It Comes to Retirement, Couples That “Retirement Plan” Together Are Much More Likely to Enjoy Retired Life Together Thumbnail

When It Comes to Retirement, Couples That “Retirement Plan” Together Are Much More Likely to Enjoy Retired Life Together

Even if one spouse is the primary breadwinner and the other more of a homemaker, couples have to plan for retirement together. Your retirement planning process and your retirement period itself will be much more successful if you put the time in now to think about both parties’ needs. And if a sudden health issue should make it hard for one of you to handle the family’s finances, both people need to understand how the bills get paid and how your investments are working. These five special considerations for retiring couples are big topics at our annual checkups with married clients.

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The Questions You MUST Ask to Select the Right Financial Advisor for Your Retirement Thumbnail

The Questions You MUST Ask to Select the Right Financial Advisor for Your Retirement

Whether you’re 30 or 60 years old, involving a financial advisor in your retirement planning is a smart move. But not all financial advisors are created equal. Some advisors are more interested in making money or meeting employer metrics. It’s important you know how to steer clear of these folks and find an advisor who truly has your best interests in mind.

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Using a Vision Board is a Powerful Way to See—and Experience—a Happier Retirement Thumbnail

Using a Vision Board is a Powerful Way to See—and Experience—a Happier Retirement

When you’re working full time and raising kids, it’s hard not to get caught up in the minutiae that dominates your daily life. Just getting from Monday to Friday can feel like one frantic slog through whatever’s next on the agenda: getting the kids to school, getting yourself to work, meetings, project deadlines, picking the kids up, soccer practice, dance rehearsal, homework, and a few meals squeezed in wherever they fit.

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Here’s What Congressional Action on the Proposed “SECURE Act” Means for Your Retirement Plans Thumbnail

Here’s What Congressional Action on the Proposed “SECURE Act” Means for Your Retirement Plans

Generally, on Keen on Retirement, we don’t like to discuss proposals that are floating around in Washington. There’s so much politicized chatter in our newsfeeds every day that we prefer to wait until the facts get separated from the fiction, all the dust settles, and a new law is actually put into effect. But we’re making an exception on today’s episode for the SECURE Act of 2019, which passed the House back in May and is currently kicking around in the Senate. The discussion surrounding the House version of the bill gives us some important insights on what the government is thinking about your nest egg and the future of retirement planning.

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