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Keen On Retirement

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Q3 Market Recap and Outlook for the Remainder of 2019 and into 2020 Thumbnail

Q3 Market Recap and Outlook for the Remainder of 2019 and into 2020

In this Market Update Webinar, Matt Wilson, Managing Director and Chief Investment Officer at Keen Wealth Advisors, takes a look back at what happened in the third quarter of 2019 in the markets and in the economy. And even more importantly, Matt takes a look ahead at what may be in store for the remainder of the year. Some of the topics Matt covers in this webinar include: Recession risks facing the U.S. State of the consumer Health of the jobs market What the leading indicators are telling us Our expectations for the stock market for the rest of 2019

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The Go-Go, Slow-Go, and No-Go Years: A Spending Plan for All Three Phases of Retirement Thumbnail

The Go-Go, Slow-Go, and No-Go Years: A Spending Plan for All Three Phases of Retirement

At Keen Wealth, we stress planning for retirement as far in advance as possible so that our clients will be ahead of the game. We encourage clients to create a retirement blueprint with measurable milestones and specific achievable goals. And we help them implement personalized strategies for disciplined wealth-building over time.

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How to Course Correct If You Get Hit with an Unexpected Early Retirement Thumbnail

How to Course Correct If You Get Hit with an Unexpected Early Retirement

Between 1992 and 2016, 56% of all workers age 50 and older were forced into an unexpected early retirement, according to a recent study by the Urban Institute and ProPublica. Some of these folks lost their jobs due to layoffs, corporate downsizing, and buyouts. Others decided to retire because of a pay cut or deteriorating conditions at their workplace. And still others retired due to health concerns or other personal issues.

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Retirement Planning: How to Do It and When to Start to Ensure You Retire on Your Terms Thumbnail

Retirement Planning: How to Do It and When to Start to Ensure You Retire on Your Terms

When is the best time to start planning for retirement? Right now! Whether you’re new to the workforce or just starting to see retirement on the horizon, you never know what tomorrow is going to bring. Hopefully you’re able to work as long as you want, doing something that’s fulfilling until you’re ready to retire.

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Leading By Example: US Air Force Academy Graduate on How Millennials are Working Towards a Better America Thumbnail

Leading By Example: US Air Force Academy Graduate on How Millennials are Working Towards a Better America

As regular readers and listeners know, I recently turned 50 and I do worry about the world that my generation is leaving behind for our children and grandchildren. If you get too caught up in chatter on cable news and social media, it can leave you feeling pretty scared and frustrated. And if you believe the stereotypes about the upcoming millennial generation, we’re leaving some pretty serious problems in the hands of kids who are entitled, self-absorbed, and incapable of handling basic adult responsibilities - or so they say.

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