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Keen On Retirement

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Focused insight on timely, relevant topics. Start planning your retirement. 

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Are You Planning for “The New Long Life”? Thumbnail

Are You Planning for “The New Long Life”?

Instead of looking for ways to stay "young at heart," this generation of retirees might just end up staying younger, longer. In his book The New Long Life, Professor Andrew Scott of the London Business School argues that the intersection of technology and longevity is going to fundamentally change how all of us approach life. Instead of a traditional three-stage journey from education to work to retirement, folks who stay healthier and more active as they age will have more power to shape and reshape themselves over multiple stages.

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Market Update Q2 2021: What Could Slow Down Our Recovery from COVID? Thumbnail

Market Update Q2 2021: What Could Slow Down Our Recovery from COVID?

One year ago, despite lockdowns, skyrocketing unemployment, and major market volatility, my team at Keen Wealth was cautiously optimistic. We believed that most of the economic disruption our country was facing was a temporary and necessary response to battling COVID-19. And we believed that once vaccine development started progressing and the country started reopening, jobs would come back, the economy would roar to life, and the markets would respond in kind.

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4 Reasons Why Spending Time Outside is Good for You and Your Retirement Thumbnail

4 Reasons Why Spending Time Outside is Good for You and Your Retirement

As excited as we all are to get back to eating in restaurants and gathering in grandma's living room, I hope seniors keep up with the outdoorsy habits and interests they developed over the past year. Pandemic or not, here are 4 reasons why spending time outside is always a healthy choice, especially for retirees who want to stay active and add some variety to their daily routines.

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Retired Burns & McDonnell CEO Greg Graves on Improving Business and Empowering Workers Thumbnail

Retired Burns & McDonnell CEO Greg Graves on Improving Business and Empowering Workers

Folks on opposite sides of the political aisle don't agree on very much these days. But one area where Republicans and Democrats have found some common ground is the need for Americans to take more responsibility for their retirement planning. Corporate pensions are disappearing. Social Security won’t cover the bills. And many young folks face uncertain long-term prospects in our new decentralized post-pandemic workforce.

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