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Keen On Retirement

Insights Blog & Podcast

Focused insight on timely, relevant topics. Start planning your retirement. 

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Are You Ready for Your Encore in Retirement? Thumbnail

Are You Ready for Your Encore in Retirement?

Working in some capacity is becoming a regular part of retirement for more and more seniors. But when you're no longer relying on a job to pay your bills or support your family, the meaning of work can take on an entirely different dimension. Transitioning to an encore career can let you make your values and your personal goals a cornerstone of your retirement life. And even if you are comfortable with the size of your nest egg, a little extra padding never hurts!

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Is the Housing Market Boom Headed for Another Bust? Thumbnail

Is the Housing Market Boom Headed for Another Bust?

In recent months, my two daughters have given me a personal perspective on just how hot and how competitive the real estate market is right now. Both decided to buy homes in the Kansas City area, and both had to make unsuccessful bids on multiple houses before they were able to close on their new homes. The thought that millions of families all over the country are trying to navigate these same issues is quite a turnaround from just a decade ago, when folks were hesitant to buy houses in the shadow of the Great Recession.

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Separating “Needs” from “Wants” Could Be Harming Your Financial Planning Thumbnail

Separating “Needs” from “Wants” Could Be Harming Your Financial Planning

When we set our monthly budgets or make a long-term plan for retirement, it's common to separate line items into three categories: needs, wants, and wishes. Then, we do the sensible thing and prioritize our needs. Once the mortgage, car payments, utilities, and grocery bills are covered, we move on to deciding if we can schedule a date night at that new restaurant. Maybe a weekend getaway will have to wait until next month.

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Tiny Homes Make a Huge Difference for Kansas City’s Veterans Thumbnail

Tiny Homes Make a Huge Difference for Kansas City’s Veterans

A few years ago, I was intrigued by the many news stories I was seeing about the new “tiny homes” helping homeless veterans around Kansas City. I reached out and connected with the Veterans Community Project, and the more I learned, the more impressed I was by the impact that the VCP is having. One number really stood out: over 90% of the veterans whom the VCP work with are able to get back on their feet and reacclimate into society.

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