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Keen On Retirement

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Know Your Options for the 2021 Medicare Open Enrollment Period Thumbnail

Know Your Options for the 2021 Medicare Open Enrollment Period

It's that time again! Every year, during the open enrollment period from October 15th through December 7th, we recommend that all seniors review their Medicare coverage and see what new options might be available to them. It's also extremely important that new retirees who are signing up for Medicare for the first time get a handle on the ABCDs of Medicare, as well as the things that Medicare does and doesn't cover.

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Use the New My Social Security Website to Get the Most from Your Benefits Thumbnail

Use the New My Social Security Website to Get the Most from Your Benefits

Seniors may have noticed that the Social Security Administration (SSA) has redesigned the periodic statements it sends about your benefits. Perhaps one of the most helpful changes is that these statements now explain how much your monthly benefits will be depending on when you decide to take Social Security. In my experience, some seniors head into retirement with slightly unrealistic expectations about these benefits. These new statements will help folks get a better idea of where their benefits will fit in to their overall retirement plan.

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How Much (If Any) Long-Term Care Will You Need in Retirement? Thumbnail

How Much (If Any) Long-Term Care Will You Need in Retirement?

According to a recent study by Fidelity, a 65-year-old couple retiring today will need $300,000 to cover their medical expenses. Unfortunately, that eye-watering number only includes insurance premiums, deductibles, and copays. If you or your spouse need long-term care, which isn't covered by Medicare, your health care costs could end up putting a serious crack in your nest egg.

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Former FBI Special Agent Jeff Lanza on the Latest in Cybersecurity Thumbnail

Former FBI Special Agent Jeff Lanza on the Latest in Cybersecurity

The pandemic closed a lot of doors in 2020. But for cybercriminals, business is always open. The more time folks spend socializing, working, shopping, and managing money online, the more sensitive data could be vulnerable to hacks and scams. Click on the wrong link or answer the wrong phone call and you could be at risk for significant financial loss or identity theft issues that can take weeks, months, or years to sort out.

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