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Keen On Retirement

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Analyzing October’s Bumpy Market History and Other Listener Questions Thumbnail

Analyzing October’s Bumpy Market History and Other Listener Questions

That's probably a big reason why October has a reputation for being the worst month for investing. But as we discuss on today's show, digging into the numbers and taking in the broader historical perspective reveals some more important lessons for investors who get spooked by volatility. We also bring that same long-term perspective to a couple questions our Keen Wealth clients have been asking recently.

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The Need for Purpose in Retirement Thumbnail

The Need for Purpose in Retirement

As retirement nears, folks tend to become very focused on how they're going to spend their money. But figuring out how you're going to spend your time in retirement is every bit as important. According to a 2021 study by Edward Jones and Age Wave, the pandemic renewed the emphasis that people place on purpose. In fact, their survey found that post-pandemic, "Ninety-two percent of retirees now agree that purpose is key to a successful retirement."

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Deficits, Inflation, and Your Retirement Planning Thumbnail

Deficits, Inflation, and Your Retirement Planning

Do budget deficits matter to the health of the U.S. government and economy? That's been a hot topic of conversation among economists, especially as debate raged about the most effective way for the government to support folks during the pandemic. And it's been a topic that's popped up on a few of our Keen on Retirement episodes and blogs as well.

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Your Complete Guide to Medicare Open Enrollment 2022 Thumbnail

Your Complete Guide to Medicare Open Enrollment 2022

Folks who follow a well-defined financial plan usually have some important dates circled on their calendars. At the beginning of the year, you probably plot out some annual goals. In the spring, you gather last year's info for tax season. In the summer, parents start budgeting for family vacations and the upcoming school year.

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Will the Build Back Better Plan Affect Your Tax Planning? Thumbnail

Will the Build Back Better Plan Affect Your Tax Planning?

One reason we advise our clients not to overreact to election results is that the plans candidates propose on the campaign trail often look very different once they've worked through the U.S. lawmaking process. President Biden's agenda has struggled with that very reality in recent weeks. As Congress continues to debate and negotiate the Build Back Better Plan, perhaps the central topic of discussion has been balancing ambitious spending with changes to tax codes that would be necessary to pay for that spending.

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3 Reasons Why Investing in Mutual Funds Could Be More Trouble Than It’s Worth Thumbnail

3 Reasons Why Investing in Mutual Funds Could Be More Trouble Than It’s Worth

At Keen Wealth Advisors, once we’ve created a financial plan for a client, we next work to determine the proper ratio between stocks, bonds, and emergency reserves they need to make that plan work. Our strategy of portfolio diversification, quantitative stock analysis, periodic adjustments, and short-term cash buckets for income needs is designed to help generate wealth for a family over decades, not days.

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