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Keen On Retirement

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Focused insight on timely, relevant topics. Start planning your retirement. 

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Barron’s 2022: Analyzing the Present to Prepare for the Future Thumbnail

Barron’s 2022: Analyzing the Present to Prepare for the Future

Effective financial planning is all about looking ahead. That's true for both people who are working towards retirement, and for my team at Keen Wealth. I believe that our ongoing commitment to educational events, learning, and professional development is essential to the work we do for our clients. And as the founder and CEO, I'm also committed to growing Keen Wealth into a firm folks can trust and count on today, tomorrow, and into the next generation.

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Redefining Who You Are in Retirement Thumbnail

Redefining Who You Are in Retirement

Bob Buford's HALFTIME: Moving from Success to Significance offers a possible solution that's stuck with me ever since I first read the book about a decade ago. Buford was a successful cable TV exec who revaluated his priorities and made a very intentional plan for the second half of his life. I believe all seniors can adapt his three-part process to their retirement transitions and redefine who they are in a meaningful way.

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Control the Controllable and Prevent 4 Common Tax Mistakes Thumbnail

Control the Controllable and Prevent 4 Common Tax Mistakes

None of us can control a war, inflationary concerns, natural disasters, or market volatility. If you're worrying about how global events are going to affect your financial plan, try to focus on things you can control. As we discuss on today's show, right now that means efficient tax preparation so that you avoid some common filing mistakes before Tax Day on April 18th.

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