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Keen On Retirement

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Focused insight on timely, relevant topics. Start planning your retirement. 

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The Questions You MUST Ask to Select the Right Financial Advisor for Your Retirement Thumbnail

The Questions You MUST Ask to Select the Right Financial Advisor for Your Retirement

Whether you’re 30 or 60 years old, involving a financial advisor in your retirement planning is a smart move. But not all financial advisors are created equal. Some advisors are more interested in making money or meeting employer metrics. It’s important you know how to steer clear of these folks and find an advisor who truly has your best interests in mind.

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Alexa, How Will Exponential Technologies Affect My Retirement? Thumbnail

Alexa, How Will Exponential Technologies Affect My Retirement?

Here’s a fun fact you may have seen as we celebrated the 50th Anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing: An iPhone has approximately 100,000 times the processing power of the Apollo Guidance Computer (AGC). It also has around 7 MILLION times more memory! Heck, even the first graphing calculators your kids used in the late 1990s were more powerful than the AGC!

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A 6-Point Checklist to Secure Your Home and Finances From Tornadoes and Flooding Thumbnail

A 6-Point Checklist to Secure Your Home and Finances From Tornadoes and Flooding

Our thoughts are with everyone affected by the storms that hit the Midwest recently. In particular, the mile-wide tornado that tore through Linwood, KS was a sobering reminder that we’re going to be dealing with peak tornado season for at least a few more weeks, as well as ongoing concerns about flooding as our rivers continue to swell. You know our mantra at Keen Wealth when it comes to your finances and your life: plan ahead. And in our part of the country, tornado and flood prep has to be a part of that larger picture. Take a moment to go through these important tips that will help protect you, your family, your home, and your money.

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5 "Retirement Regrets" That You Can Avoid Thumbnail

5 "Retirement Regrets" That You Can Avoid

Coulda. Shoulda. Woulda. Three words we never want to hear from our Keen Wealth clients who are well into their retirements. And, I’m happy to say, three words we don’t hear very often! But we do work with retirees who tell us that there are things they wish they’d done differently. What’s interesting is that the major retirement regrets that clients share don’t really have to do with how their financial planning played out. Instead, these folks regret decisions they did, and didn’t, make that impacted how they lived in retirement.

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