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Keen On Retirement

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Focused insight on timely, relevant topics. Start planning your retirement. 

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The Truth Behind the Numbers That Could Impact Your Retirement Thumbnail

The Truth Behind the Numbers That Could Impact Your Retirement

How many times have you read some variation of this headline, or heard that number thrown around in casual conversation? You might have even used this “conventional wisdom” to talk yourself out of starting your own company. Fifty percent makes it sounds like your odds of success are on par with flipping a coin and guessing heads or tails. But that’s the tricky thing about numbers: taken out of context, they can be deceiving. Let’s dig into that 50% a little deeper and ask, “Why do half of small businesses close?” According to the Small Business Administration, the number one reason, yes, is a lack of revenue. Number two? The owner retires. Number three? The owner sells the company. So, two of the top three reasons that most small businesses close aren’t necessarily negative! They might even represent a lifetime of fulfilling work leading to a profitable exit for the business owner! Recently, you might have come across some big numbers related to our economy that have you nervous about your nest egg. On today’s show, we dig into those numbers as well to separate the facts from the hype.

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10 Years After the Great Financial Crisis, Did We Learn Our Lesson? Thumbnail

10 Years After the Great Financial Crisis, Did We Learn Our Lesson?

In March of 2009, the markets bottomed out in the aftermath of the housing crisis and bank collapses. Gigantic financial institutions teetered on bankruptcy and scrambled for government support. Millions of ordinary folks lost their homes or their jobs, and all saw their retirement savings decline in value. In the moment, it was hard to imagine how our economy would get back to normal.

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What is the "4 Percent Rule" and How Does It Affect Your Retirement Spending? Thumbnail

What is the "4 Percent Rule" and How Does It Affect Your Retirement Spending?

A few times every year a new client walks into Keen Wealth so excited to start planning and saving that they think they’ve already done the work for me! They show me this big, beautiful spreadsheet they’ve put together that has everything: salaries, assets, liabilities, cash in the bank, investment accounts, their whole financial picture.

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What If I Retire and the Market Crashes the Next Day? Thumbnail

What If I Retire and the Market Crashes the Next Day?

Friday afternoon you clock out for the last time and walk into a big retirement party with all your co-workers. Following that, there’s another celebration over the weekend at home with friends and family. You’re looking forward to Monday morning, sleeping a little later, taking time to cook a nice breakfast with your spouse, and then spending the rest of your day doing what you want, when you want, with the people who matter the most to you

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