Should You Worry About Trump’s Impact on Your Portfolio?
One lesson that was driven home again during the recent 24-hour news cycle surrounding the election was, “Don’t believe everything you read and hear.”
One lesson that was driven home again during the recent 24-hour news cycle surrounding the election was, “Don’t believe everything you read and hear.”
Few people would argue with the idea that a college education is one of the best investments you can make. But who should pay for that education? Mom and dad? The student? The government through our taxes? Some combination?
In today’s show, we discuss how to spot and avoid getting scammed by fraudsters who use the phone and email to try to get you to part with your hard-earned money.
In today’s episode we discuss ramping up your income by owning dividend-paying stocks. And shockingly, many stocks pay higher dividends than 10-year U.S. Government securities.
You can learn a lot by hanging around Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger for six hours. Today, we’re going to discuss what we learned by attending the Berkshire Hathaway annual meeting in Omaha.
Can you imagine having to pay your bank to hold your money for you? Outrageous, right? That’s what could happen if we move to negative interest rates.