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Keen On Retirement

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5 Uncomfortable Truths About Retirement You Must Understand and Prepare For Thumbnail

5 Uncomfortable Truths About Retirement You Must Understand and Prepare For

When you think about retirement, are you picturing Paris, golden beaches, grandkids, tee times, volunteer work, and long walks with your spouse? Great! Everyone approaching retirement age should have a vision that's inspiring, rewarding, and exciting to plan for. But a truly comprehensive financial plan isn't just about achieving goals. It's also about meeting challenges, both the ones we can predict and the ones that life throws at all of us. At Keen Wealth, we believe it's essential to get out in front of retirement's uncomfortable truths as early as possible. Just about every retiree will need to prepare for these five realities.

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How to Retire at 55: 5 Things You Have to Get Right Thumbnail

How to Retire at 55: 5 Things You Have to Get Right

Early retirement is a goal that's become a very common plot point in the comprehensive financial plans we put together at Keen Wealth. Young Boomers and older Gen Xers who have the means to stop working or downshift into part-time employment want to enjoy the wealth they've worked so hard for while they're still young enough and able-bodied enough to play their favorite sports, see the world, and spend more quality time with family and friends. But there's much more to early retirement than just hitting a number. Several aspects of your financial plan should be fine-tuned and coordinated to ensure that your nest egg supports today's goals while also ensuring your long-term security in the latter years of retirement. Let's take a look at Keen Wealth's five-point checklist for retiring at 55.

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What Impact Will the 2024 Elections Have on Your Financial Plan? Thumbnail

What Impact Will the 2024 Elections Have on Your Financial Plan?

How are you feeling about the upcoming elections? Until about a week ago, I think that many folks might have had November on the periphery of their radar, especially if they don't live in a contested swing state. But the tragic events in Pennsylvania and the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee have probably changed that perception for all Americans. And as interest -- and emotions -- start running higher, it can become very difficult to separate your politics from your financial planning. On today's show, we discuss how elections typically impact the financial markets and what kinds of mistakes investors should try to avoid as we head deeper into election season.

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A Keen Wealth Advisors Case Study: “Can We Retire With a $3.3 Million Nest Egg?” Thumbnail

A Keen Wealth Advisors Case Study: “Can We Retire With a $3.3 Million Nest Egg?”

Formulating a one-time, bulletproof financial plan would be incredibly simple if you could supply an advisor with just two pieces of information: exactly how much money you're going to spend every single year in retirement, and your date of death. Absent those two impossible data points, an effective, comprehensive financial plan has to be an ongoing, personalized, and adjustable process, no matter what size your nest egg is. On today's show, we talk through another case study to illustrate how my team at Keen Wealth helps folks plan for a retirement that's much more than just their numbers.

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A Comprehensive Financial Plan for Achieving an Early Retirement Goal Thumbnail

A Comprehensive Financial Plan for Achieving an Early Retirement Goal

"Robin" is a single mother of two high schoolers. She's 45 and she earns about $350,000 per year. Robin had never worked with a financial advisor before, and one of our clients referred her to Keen Wealth because she was looking for help with streamlining her finances and, hopefully, retiring in nine years. On today's show, we run Robin's case through Keen Wealth's checklist-driven, comprehensive planning process and explain how my team arrived at actionable strategies for achieving that early retirement goal.

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The Health Span vs. Life Span Dilemma: Ensuring Quality of Life in Later Years for Women Thumbnail

The Health Span vs. Life Span Dilemma: Ensuring Quality of Life in Later Years for Women

When discussing the unique financial challenges that many senior women face, it's important to make clear distinctions between useless stereotypes and scientific facts. As I've written about and discussed frequently on my podcast, there's just no truth to outdated cliches about women needing more help than men when it comes to managing money. And while it may have been more common in decades past for married couples to leave the family's finances to the breadwinning man, that old-fashioned dynamic is rare today. But, according to longevity expert Maddy Dychtwald, it's a fact that women, on average, live six years longer than men. Whatever your marital status is, and however big your nest egg is, women have to be very intentional about how they plan to cover their needs during those extra years. My Keen on Retirement co-host, Steve Sanduski, recently talked to Dychtwald about her new book, Ageless Aging: A Woman’s Guide to Increasing Healthspan, Brainspan, and Lifespan. Their conversation was full of insightful and actionable advice for women who are aiming to live well long into retirement.

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