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Keen On Retirement

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Market Update Webinar With Matt Wilson Thumbnail

Market Update Webinar With Matt Wilson

In my experience, the folks who have the most positive financial outcomes are often the ones who are the most engaged in the planning process. Now, that doesn’t mean I expect my clients to become expert portfolio managers! But if you’re working with a fiduciary advisor who is paying close attention to the issues of the day, you’re likely to feel more at ease about your investment strategy and more confident about reaching your long-term financial goals.

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10 Years After the Great Financial Crisis, Did We Learn Our Lesson? Thumbnail

10 Years After the Great Financial Crisis, Did We Learn Our Lesson?

In March of 2009, the markets bottomed out in the aftermath of the housing crisis and bank collapses. Gigantic financial institutions teetered on bankruptcy and scrambled for government support. Millions of ordinary folks lost their homes or their jobs, and all saw their retirement savings decline in value. In the moment, it was hard to imagine how our economy would get back to normal.

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4 Important Lessons on Financial Success That 2017 Taught Us Thumbnail

4 Important Lessons on Financial Success That 2017 Taught Us

No, we can’t look back at 2017 and tell you definitively how the market is going to behave in 2018. But we can look for potential “rhymes,” the lessons of the past year and the trends that may echo into the next. In particular, I think there are four important takeaways from 2017 that you should keep in mind when discussing your 2018 financial plans with your fiduciary advisor:

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