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Keen On Retirement

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Market Update Q2 2021: What Could Slow Down Our Recovery from COVID? Thumbnail

Market Update Q2 2021: What Could Slow Down Our Recovery from COVID?

One year ago, despite lockdowns, skyrocketing unemployment, and major market volatility, my team at Keen Wealth was cautiously optimistic. We believed that most of the economic disruption our country was facing was a temporary and necessary response to battling COVID-19. And we believed that once vaccine development started progressing and the country started reopening, jobs would come back, the economy would roar to life, and the markets would respond in kind.

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Market Update Q1 2021 Thumbnail

Market Update Q1 2021

In this webinar, Matt Wilson, Managing Director and Chief Investment Officer at Keen Wealth Advisors, will cover a macroeconomic update of the markets, plus the key things we are watching right now and our outlook for the remainder of 2021.

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Lessons Learned from 2020 and 2021 Forecast: Are You Ready? Thumbnail

Lessons Learned from 2020 and 2021 Forecast: Are You Ready?

December is usually when we hold our annual Holiday Breakfast and Market Outlook Presentation at Keen Wealth. Unfortunately, due to COVID-19, we had to move this year’s event online. The in-person educational and appreciation events we host at Keen Wealth have grown into a unique hallmark of our firm and are very important to us – especially the fellowship of our Holiday Breakfast. We look forward to getting back to hosting these events in the very near future.

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