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Keen On Retirement

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How to Minimize the Taxes on Your Social Security Benefits Thumbnail

How to Minimize the Taxes on Your Social Security Benefits

Social Security can be one of the most flexible tools in your retirement toolkit. Some seniors will depend on it. Some will use it to achieve or even upgrade bucket list goals. Some might treat it as an additional investable asset. And others might make their survivor's benefits a central part of their estate planning. But I think all seniors will agree that no one wants their Social Security benefits to trigger unwelcome surprises at tax time. As you're weighing when to take Social Security and how to use your benefits, discuss these four topics with your financial advisor. You may have several options to lower your tax liability and maximize the value of your benefits to your comprehensive financial plan.

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5 Uncomfortable Truths About Retirement You Must Understand and Prepare For Thumbnail

5 Uncomfortable Truths About Retirement You Must Understand and Prepare For

When you think about retirement, are you picturing Paris, golden beaches, grandkids, tee times, volunteer work, and long walks with your spouse? Great! Everyone approaching retirement age should have a vision that's inspiring, rewarding, and exciting to plan for. But a truly comprehensive financial plan isn't just about achieving goals. It's also about meeting challenges, both the ones we can predict and the ones that life throws at all of us. At Keen Wealth, we believe it's essential to get out in front of retirement's uncomfortable truths as early as possible. Just about every retiree will need to prepare for these five realities.

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How to Retire at 55: 5 Things You Have to Get Right Thumbnail

How to Retire at 55: 5 Things You Have to Get Right

Early retirement is a goal that's become a very common plot point in the comprehensive financial plans we put together at Keen Wealth. Young Boomers and older Gen Xers who have the means to stop working or downshift into part-time employment want to enjoy the wealth they've worked so hard for while they're still young enough and able-bodied enough to play their favorite sports, see the world, and spend more quality time with family and friends. But there's much more to early retirement than just hitting a number. Several aspects of your financial plan should be fine-tuned and coordinated to ensure that your nest egg supports today's goals while also ensuring your long-term security in the latter years of retirement. Let's take a look at Keen Wealth's five-point checklist for retiring at 55.

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4 Lessons for Affluent Investors from Warren Buffett's Estate Plan Thumbnail

4 Lessons for Affluent Investors from Warren Buffett's Estate Plan

Warren Buffett's historic business success and preternatural understanding of the markets earned him the nickname "The Oracle of Omaha." But, as we discussed in a blog post earlier this year, Buffett's life and career can teach folks about more than just market movements and investing principles. That includes estate planning. Since losing his longtime business partner, Charlie Munger, Buffett has been a little more forthcoming about succession at Berkshire Hathaway and his future plans for his large stake in the company. Affluent investors should think about four key public details in Buffett's estate plan as they plan to preserve their own legacies and provide for the next generation.

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Here Are the Top 10 Things People “Retire To” Thumbnail

Here Are the Top 10 Things People “Retire To”

No two retirements are ever the same. But in my 30-plus years of helping folks navigate the retirement transition, there's one common factor among the retirements that I would consider the most successful. Whether they were achieving an early retirement goal or retiring in the more traditional 65 and up window, the happiest retirees I've known are the ones who were focused on “retiring to” something, rather than “retiring from” work. Folks who just want to stop working because they don't like their jobs often discover that, without a positive mindset and intentional forethought about how they're going to spend their time, they don't like retirement all that much either! As folks near retirement, my Keen Wealth team often suggests that they take a whiteboard or a big sheet of paper and create a blank weekly calendar. Below are ten of the most common "retire to" activities folks are excited to add to their new schedules.

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7 Reasons to Retire As Soon As You Are Financially Able - Inspired by Jonathan Clements’ Story Thumbnail

7 Reasons to Retire As Soon As You Are Financially Able - Inspired by Jonathan Clements’ Story

As the founder and editor of HumbleDollar and personal finance columnist at The Wall Street Journal, Jonathan Clements has been providing readers with practical financial analysis for decades. But an article from early June might be the most impactful that he's ever written. Reflecting on his recent cancer diagnosis at age 61, Clements is candid about how facing mortality has forced him to reevaluate his personal, professional, and financial priorities. Sadly, Clements’ story also brought to mind so many folks I've worked with in my career who struggled to find the "right time" to retire, only to have life get in the way. Please, take these lessons from Clements’ experience to heart and don't put off retirement any longer than you have to.

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