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Keen On Retirement

Insights Blog & Podcast

Focused insight on timely, relevant topics. Start planning your retirement. 

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What is the "4 Percent Rule" and How Does It Affect Your Retirement Spending? Thumbnail

What is the "4 Percent Rule" and How Does It Affect Your Retirement Spending?

A few times every year a new client walks into Keen Wealth so excited to start planning and saving that they think they’ve already done the work for me! They show me this big, beautiful spreadsheet they’ve put together that has everything: salaries, assets, liabilities, cash in the bank, investment accounts, their whole financial picture.

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Don't Let Love Blindside You Into Making Money Mistakes Thumbnail

Don't Let Love Blindside You Into Making Money Mistakes

When love is in the air, some folks have a tendency to lose their heads. That can be fun if you’re planning to sweep your loved one off his or her feet this Valentine’s Day. But when it comes to your finances, letting your heart get in the way of your head can lead to some serious problems. Forget about killing the romance – if couples wearing rose-tinted glasses aren’t careful, these money mistakes can kill their financial future.

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What If I Retire and the Market Crashes the Next Day? Thumbnail

What If I Retire and the Market Crashes the Next Day?

Friday afternoon you clock out for the last time and walk into a big retirement party with all your co-workers. Following that, there’s another celebration over the weekend at home with friends and family. You’re looking forward to Monday morning, sleeping a little later, taking time to cook a nice breakfast with your spouse, and then spending the rest of your day doing what you want, when you want, with the people who matter the most to you

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