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Keen On Retirement

Insights Blog & Podcast

Focused insight on timely, relevant topics. Start planning your retirement. 

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It’s Never Too Late to Transform Your Life for the Better Thumbnail

It’s Never Too Late to Transform Your Life for the Better

In 2019 my family took a vacation to Cabo. When I looked at the photos from that trip, I didn't like what I saw. The bottom line was, I had let myself get out of shape. I was overweight, feeling lethargic, and the pictures really brought home the fact that I needed to make some changes. On my own, I started eating better and exercising more. But I knew that wouldn't be enough to get the results I wanted. So, I did what I've advised folks to do hundreds of times in my financial planning blogs and on my podcast: I called in the pros!

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Add Podcasts To Your Binge List for 2021 Thumbnail

Add Podcasts To Your Binge List for 2021

This time last year, many seniors had never heard of Zoom or made a video call. You knew about Netflix and Apple TV, but maybe you were waiting for your grandkids to set them up for you the next time they visited. You had social media accounts, but those were just for sharing family photos. After learning how to connect, stay informed, and keep yourself entertained during the pandemic, I’ll bet your cell phone and other household technology are much less intimidating than they used to be. So, if your TV and movie queue is starting to thin out, this might be the perfect time to explore podcasts.

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