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Keen On Retirement

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Focused insight on timely, relevant topics. Start planning your retirement. 

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3 Reasons Why Investing in Mutual Funds Could Be More Trouble Than It’s Worth Thumbnail

3 Reasons Why Investing in Mutual Funds Could Be More Trouble Than It’s Worth

At Keen Wealth Advisors, once we’ve created a financial plan for a client, we next work to determine the proper ratio between stocks, bonds, and emergency reserves they need to make that plan work. Our strategy of portfolio diversification, quantitative stock analysis, periodic adjustments, and short-term cash buckets for income needs is designed to help generate wealth for a family over decades, not days.

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Use the New My Social Security Website to Get the Most from Your Benefits Thumbnail

Use the New My Social Security Website to Get the Most from Your Benefits

Seniors may have noticed that the Social Security Administration (SSA) has redesigned the periodic statements it sends about your benefits. Perhaps one of the most helpful changes is that these statements now explain how much your monthly benefits will be depending on when you decide to take Social Security. In my experience, some seniors head into retirement with slightly unrealistic expectations about these benefits. These new statements will help folks get a better idea of where their benefits will fit in to their overall retirement plan.

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3 Factors That Make Affluent Seniors More Satisfied in Retirement Thumbnail

3 Factors That Make Affluent Seniors More Satisfied in Retirement

According to a recent study by the Employee Benefit Research Institute’s Retirement Security Research Center, affluent retirees are, on average, more satisfied than retirees with modest assets and folks who are just managing to get by. Now that probably doesn't sound like a very eye-opening conclusion. But what the EBRI found was that it wasn't really money that made affluent retirees feel better about retirement. It was three factors that I believe should be a cornerstone of any retirement plan, no matter how big your nest egg is.

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How to Pick the "Right" Beneficiaries for Your Retirement Accounts Thumbnail

How to Pick the "Right" Beneficiaries for Your Retirement Accounts

Making sure that you and your assets are protected at the end of your life is a standard part of our planning process at Keen Wealth. Over the past several years, we’ve welcomed many new clients who have been putting off estate planning decisions for far too long. Living through the pandemic gave these folks the sense of urgency they needed to sit down with my team and start thinking about the legacy they want to leave to their heirs.

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