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Keen On Retirement

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Focused insight on timely, relevant topics. Start planning your retirement. 

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The Need for Purpose in Retirement Thumbnail

The Need for Purpose in Retirement

As retirement nears, folks tend to become very focused on how they're going to spend their money. But figuring out how you're going to spend your time in retirement is every bit as important. According to a 2021 study by Edward Jones and Age Wave, the pandemic renewed the emphasis that people place on purpose. In fact, their survey found that post-pandemic, "Ninety-two percent of retirees now agree that purpose is key to a successful retirement."

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Your Complete Guide to Medicare Open Enrollment 2022 Thumbnail

Your Complete Guide to Medicare Open Enrollment 2022

Folks who follow a well-defined financial plan usually have some important dates circled on their calendars. At the beginning of the year, you probably plot out some annual goals. In the spring, you gather last year's info for tax season. In the summer, parents start budgeting for family vacations and the upcoming school year.

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