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Keen On Retirement

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What Do Wealth and Comfort Mean in Retirement? Thumbnail

What Do Wealth and Comfort Mean in Retirement?

"Wealthy" is another category that's a lot more relative than people may realize. Sure, we talk about "the 1%" a lot in our society. Others might point to the IRS' tax brackets to gauge wealth. But Charles Schwab's Modern Wealth Survey 2022 shows that people want more from their money than just wealth -- they want to be able to live a life that aligns with what's most important to them.

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Redefining Who You Are in Retirement Thumbnail

Redefining Who You Are in Retirement

Bob Buford's HALFTIME: Moving from Success to Significance offers a possible solution that's stuck with me ever since I first read the book about a decade ago. Buford was a successful cable TV exec who revaluated his priorities and made a very intentional plan for the second half of his life. I believe all seniors can adapt his three-part process to their retirement transitions and redefine who they are in a meaningful way.

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