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Keen On Retirement

Insights Blog & Podcast

Focused insight on timely, relevant topics. Start planning your retirement. 

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Keen Wealth Advisors is Proud to Sponsor the Inaugural Keen Wealth Classic Thumbnail

Keen Wealth Advisors is Proud to Sponsor the Inaugural Keen Wealth Classic

Did you know that Keen Wealth Advisors sponsors the Big D Cycling team? As a result of our close partnership with Big D Cycling and our active desire to be involved with community events, we are hosting the inaugural Keen Wealth Classic cyclocross race on November 13th. We hope this event will become a midwest staple for years to come and are honored to be able to help get it started

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What We Do and How We Can Help Thumbnail

What We Do and How We Can Help

Without a blueprint, you can’t build a house. And without a map, you wouldn’t set off on a road trip. The same rule goes for retirement planning. When it comes to such a big milestone in life, you need a financial roadmap that navigates you from point A to point B.

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Why I Became a Financial Advisor Thumbnail

Why I Became a Financial Advisor

My desire to become a financial advisor started at the age of 10. I know that sounds young, but I remember clearly the catalyst for this passion. I was sitting with my dad in his apartment waiting for the unemployment check to arrive in the mailbox. While I was too young to understand financial insecurity, I did see the stress, strain, and anxiety it caused my father. This caused me stress, strain, and anxiety too.

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