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Keen On Retirement

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Focused insight on timely, relevant topics. Start planning your retirement. 

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Here’s How to Avoid Making a Deadly Healthcare Mistake Thumbnail

Here’s How to Avoid Making a Deadly Healthcare Mistake

At Keen Wealth Advisors, we spend a lot of time helping you build financial security. Yet all that financial security could become secondary when you feel a lump in the breast, the car behind you on the freeway doesn’t stop in time, or you slip on the ice in the winter and your whole world becomes directed to your immediate health care needs. If that happens, your focus turns to trying to get the best medical care possible.

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What if You Outlive Your Retirement Savings? Thumbnail

What if You Outlive Your Retirement Savings?

What if you are healthy at 100? Will your retirement savings last that long? We all know how important it is to create a retirement plan and save to ensure that we have enough to last through those Golden Years, but many people haven’t saved enough. Only one in four people aged 55 and over has more than $300,000 saved. Fortunately, most of our clients at Keen Wealth Advisors fall in that “one in four” category and have done a nice job saving for retirement.

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