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Keen On Retirement

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Focused insight on timely, relevant topics. Start planning your retirement. 

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Listener Questions: Revisiting the Trump Economic Plan Thumbnail

Listener Questions: Revisiting the Trump Economic Plan

Tax season may – finally! – be behind us, but taxes are still very much on the minds of our listeners, and my clients at Keen Wealth. President Trump recently unveiled a new tax plan, the consequences of which are still being unpacked and analyzed. And changing taxes is just one part of the broader Trump economic plan that the president and Congress are trying to convert from campaign promises into actual legislation.

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Confused by Health Insurance? Don’t Get Caught in These Avoidable Medicare Traps Thumbnail

Confused by Health Insurance? Don’t Get Caught in These Avoidable Medicare Traps

Whether you are currently enrolled in Medicare or are planning for it in the future, this episode will provide you with important information you need to be aware of. Medicare’s options and intricacies can be overwhelming if you’re not prepared for them – and like many issues in financial planning – they are a moving target.iTunes Between Now and Success

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7 Tips to Spring Clean Your Finances Thumbnail

7 Tips to Spring Clean Your Finances

Spring is finally here! Time to throw open the windows, and let some sun and fresh air back into your house — and your finances. Yes, we recommend working with a fiduciary advisor who will be thinking about your financial situation consistently throughout the year. But why not let spring time be a catalyst for a personal spring clean for your financial house just as much as for your cluttered garage and closet? Here are some tips we at Keen Wealth Advisors encourage our clients to consider:

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