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Keen On Retirement

Insights Blog & Podcast

Focused insight on timely, relevant topics. Start planning your retirement. 

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Avoid These 4 Common – and Costly – Tax Prep Mistakes Thumbnail

Avoid These 4 Common – and Costly – Tax Prep Mistakes

If you’ve started to receive 2018 tax info from your financial institutions and can already feel a sense of dread building, let me try to put a more positive spin on this process. At Keen Wealth, we like to remind clients that, to some extent, taxes are a problem of prosperity. Sticking with disciplined savings and investment strategies, even during volatility, could help generate wealth and security for your family in the long run. Taxes are just part of the price tag that comes with achieving that dream retirement scenario.

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Forecast 2019: Anticipating Change Thumbnail

Forecast 2019: Anticipating Change

Thank you to all of our clients, family, and friends who attended our 2018 Holiday Breakfast. If you didn’t have time to schedule an annual review of your financial plan during the hustle and bustle of the holidays, give us a call and set up an appointment so we can get going on making 2019 another positive and productive year.

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