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Keen On Retirement

Insights Blog & Podcast

Focused insight on timely, relevant topics. Start planning your retirement. 

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A 6-Point Checklist to Secure Your Home and Finances From Tornadoes and Flooding Thumbnail

A 6-Point Checklist to Secure Your Home and Finances From Tornadoes and Flooding

Our thoughts are with everyone affected by the storms that hit the Midwest recently. In particular, the mile-wide tornado that tore through Linwood, KS was a sobering reminder that we’re going to be dealing with peak tornado season for at least a few more weeks, as well as ongoing concerns about flooding as our rivers continue to swell. You know our mantra at Keen Wealth when it comes to your finances and your life: plan ahead. And in our part of the country, tornado and flood prep has to be a part of that larger picture. Take a moment to go through these important tips that will help protect you, your family, your home, and your money.

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Angel Flight Central’s Don Sumple on How Volunteering Can Add More Meaning to Your Life Thumbnail

Angel Flight Central’s Don Sumple on How Volunteering Can Add More Meaning to Your Life

On this special episode of Keen on Retirement, Don talks about his transition from a successful broadcasting and media career to running a nonprofit organization. We also explore Angel Flight’s mission and how Don views retirement. Hopefully, this conversation will give you a new perspective on how reaching out into your community can make any stage of your life more rewarding.

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Market Update Webinar With Matt Wilson Thumbnail

Market Update Webinar With Matt Wilson

In my experience, the folks who have the most positive financial outcomes are often the ones who are the most engaged in the planning process. Now, that doesn’t mean I expect my clients to become expert portfolio managers! But if you’re working with a fiduciary advisor who is paying close attention to the issues of the day, you’re likely to feel more at ease about your investment strategy and more confident about reaching your long-term financial goals.

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