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Keen On Retirement

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Focused insight on timely, relevant topics. Start planning your retirement. 

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Is an Election Year Recession on the Horizon? Thumbnail

Is an Election Year Recession on the Horizon?

In this Market Update Webinar, Matt Wilson, Managing Director and Chief Investment Officer at Keen Wealth Advisors, takes a look back at what happened in 2019 in the markets and in the economy. And even more importantly, Matt takes a look ahead at what may be in store for 2020. Some of the topics Matt covers in this webinar include: Upcoming election Current corporate earnings outlook Recession risks Health of the jobs market What the leading indicators are telling us Our expectations for the stock market for 2020

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4 Ways to Keep Love Alive After 50 Thumbnail

4 Ways to Keep Love Alive After 50

When it comes to tending to your marriage, Valentine’s Day is one of the easiest days of the year. Cook a nice meal, go to a nice restaurant, buy a dozen roses, and all the hassle that goes into running your family and earning a living melts away.

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3 Major SECURE Act Provisions You Need to Discuss With Your Fiduciary Advisor Thumbnail

3 Major SECURE Act Provisions You Need to Discuss With Your Fiduciary Advisor

Clients and friends of Keen Wealth have questions surrounding the Setting Every Community Up For Retirement Enhancement (SECURE) Act that was passed at the end of 2019. And with good reason! In many ways, the SECURE Act represents a significant rethink of retirement and estate planning. The government has recognized that as folks begin working longer at a wider variety of jobs, individuals need to start taking more personal responsibility for their retirement planning.

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Better Habits for Better Health, Better Financial Stability, and a Better Retirement Thumbnail

Better Habits for Better Health, Better Financial Stability, and a Better Retirement

When we ask our clients to describe their ideal retirement, two of the most common responses are “healthy” and “stable.” In our experience, most successful retirees find ways to align these two goals … and throw in a little fun as well. In fact, it seems that there may be a psychological connection between how we plan for our money and how we plan for our health.

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Engineering Retirement Thumbnail

Engineering Retirement

Anthony is a professional engineer who learned early in his career that the success of an engineering firm relied heavily on its employees’ ability to communicate and mange effectively. Anthony founded the Engineering Management Institute to bring his passion for engineering management training to engineering organizations worldwide through customized on-site and online training.

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